It takes guts to put yourself out there. When many cisgender folks think of “putting yourself out there,” they likely picture specific instances or activities: a job interview, a first date, taking a fashion risk, or training for a marathon. What is difficult for many to understand is that when your very identity is the subject of discrimination, simply exisiting in this world authentically can be a risk. You are putting yourself out there not just during the activities mentioned above, but every minute of every day. 

The freedom and safety to live proudly and openly as yourself should be a guarantee for all rather than a privilege for some. Transgender Day of Visibility is a day to recognize and uplift transgender and gender non-conforming individuals around the world. We celebrate the beauty they bring to the world. We stand by those who have bravely put themselves out there as well as those who are forced into invisibility, and we renew our commitment to keep fighting for a world that protects and appreciates these identities every single day of the year. 

To our transgender friends: We see you. We support you. We value you. We will keep fighting for you.

To allies: The urgency of raising transgender voices and visibility is all the more apparent at this moment in history. Anti-trans bills are currently being proposed in 28 states, many of which focus on athletics. One important action item you can do right now is contact lawmakers. Trans athlete and advocate extraordinaire Chris Mosier has compiled a comprehensive guide to these bills along with contact information for lawmakers and scripts to guide you. Check it out at and take action today.